Feasibility study – promoting the deployment of environmentally-friendly technologies and integrated
By Climatekos

Climatekos is currently completing a successful feasibility study on a project promoting the deployment of environmentally-friendly technologies and integrated climate strategies in rural communities in Uganda. This is as part of Climatekos’ role as the climate advisor to the International Rural Development Service e. V. (ILD) on all climate change and climate finance matters related to a 3-year project for the development of climate resilience, adaptation and low-emissions strategies for rural communities, the rural poor and rural family businesses in Uganda.
This project, which ILD as the development organization of the Federal Assembly of the Catholic Rural People's Movement co-develops and -implements with its local partner Caritas Uganda, is co-funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation Co-operation and Development (BMZ). Next to the implementation of demonstration measures integrated, feasible and scaled-up adaptation and mitigation measures are developed as part of a larger climate action programme at the local level.
The overall aim is to develop and establish long term prospects for the implementation of a climate-resilient and low-emission development path for the rural poor based on family farming and businesses.. The target group of the project comprises of about 5600 small-scale family farming and family businesses that are organized in 224 groups (cooperatives, community support groups and similar groups) in 5 districts. They are directly involved in the planning and implementation of the project activities.
Furthermore, the local and regional administration and schools are involved aside from the households, i.e. involvement in the knowledge transfer and the implementation of concrete activities of the project, ensuring broad support and engagement of key stakeholders. In addition, further representatives from selected local non-governmental and civil society organizations will be involved in the project activities (e.g. in their roles as agricultural extensionists) and/or will be prepared to act as multipliers.