Our work
Development of two handbooks to facilitate the access to Blue Economy finance mechanisms for South Mediterranean countries and to guide the development of Blue Economy projects - providing step-by-step guidance for targeting blue economy funding and developing best-practice projects. The Facility for Regional Policy Dialogue on Integrated Maritime Policy / Climate Change funded by the EU responds to the requests and the demand for information and practical guidance from the stakeholders in the Mediterranean region regarding financing and developing Blue Economy projects. Background information is elaborated to develop projects and access available funding in the form of step-by-step guidance for practitioners that promote the Mediterranean Blue Economy and growth. This guidance is tailored to national and local governments, environmental units and committees, decision makers, as well as the private sector and civil society actors. Such a guidance is provided in the form of two handbooks, containing a practical and accessible set of tools to facilitate the development of blue economy projects and the elaboration of blue economy and growth funding applications.